Tag: anxiety

“I can’t write a book!” was my first reaction when my sister suggested I write one. “Why not?” she asked. I could already sense a million reservations building up inside me (okay, maybe not a million but at least three to start with.) The biggest one—the one that kept coming up repeatedly—was what I’d imagine…

Don’t let it knock you out of the game. When life throws you a curve-ball (and you know it will,) it can sometimes feel like everything is caving in on you. It’s easy to let it knock you out of the game. Life’s challenges can seem insurmountable at times, and it’s easy to get lost in…

When I became a parent, worry seemed justified. I worried about our children’s happiness, their health, and their safety. Their pain became my pain. When they suffered, I suffered. The world seemed like a cruel and dangerous place, and I wanted them to be strong, to be fearless, and most of all to be happy. I believed…

How to look at anxiety in a completely different way! When I first set out to research my own crippling anxiety, I wasn’t looking for anxiety relief. I didn’t want the latest drug, herbal tea, essential oil, aromatherapy, or the countless other suggestions I had heard about. I didn’t want to ease my anxiety symptoms…

The Misconception About Mental Health (And The Big Messy Grey Space.) Lately, I’ve been noticing that there’s a common misconception when it comes to mental health. It seems that many people believe that if you haven’t been diagnosed with a mental illness—then you must be mentally healthy. Although this sounds reasonable, it couldn’t be further…

An estimated 1.2 million Canadian children and youth are affected by mental illness yet only 20% of those children will receive treatment according to the Mental Health Commission of Canada.  These numbers should alarm us. These numbers should have us asking what can we do to ensure our children are mentally and emotionally healthy? Our children’s…

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of chatting with Kevin Olenick on his podcast Agree or Disagree We discussed mental health, anxiety, bullying, anxiety, and of course my book, Taming Crazy – Confessions and Lessons. We also discussed vulnerability. In particular, how being brave and courageous enough to be vulnerable can give you permission to release the…

I don’t have my sh!t together! Today was the first day back from an incredible conference in Portland called the World Domination Summit. It’s a gathering of amazing people doing amazing things, and it makes you think that you, yes you, can do amazing things too! But here’s the truth… although I believe I’m capable…