Tag: confidence

In his book Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell introduced the concept that it takes approximately 10,000 hours to achieve expertise in any skill. This concept has since been disputed, but it does serve as a reminder that whatever we attempt to achieve in life, success is usually not instantaneous. It requires constant practice…

We all have dreams. Dreams of what we’d like to do in the future. Things we want to achieve in the next ten years, twenty years, or once we retire. Things that we add to the ‘Bucket List.’ Dreams that put a smile on our face when we dare to let our minds drift for…

It started with a simple idea. What if we could create a group, a community, a sisterhood of women over 40 who want to create a better life for themselves.  A life free of worry and self-doubt, a life worth living, a life to get excited about.  What if we put our own self-doubts and…

We’re flying to the U.K. next week. Without an itinerary.  Without any plans. This is a big deal. In fact, this is a huge deal! Anyone who suffers from anxiety will understand that the unknown can be terrifying. Seeds of worry and fear take root and before you know it you’re imagining everything that could…