Tag: menopause

If you’ve been scrolling through social media lately, it won’t come as a surprise to you that many people are having trouble sleeping. For many people, the lack of sleep may be due to the increased worry and anxiety caused by the current coronavirus situation. This global pandemic has caused stress for many of us…

Finding the motivation to exercise doesn’t come easily to me. I’d much prefer to curl up with a good book and a nice cup of tea. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help when it comes to preventing weight gain. Perimenopausal hormonal changes can suck the energy right out of you. Resulting in reaching for that afternoon chocolate…

Menopause is one of those things you never really think about until it happens to you. Even though 50% of the world’s population will go through it at some point in their lives, many of us are still oblivious to the signs and symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause. Until of course, you find yourself in…