Tag: podcast

As season one of The Taming Crazy Podcast comes to an end, we’re revisiting the topics that have made us laugh, grow, and connect. When I wrote Taming Crazy: Confessions and Lessons, I never dreamed that it would lead us to share stories on-air. I cannot thank Deb and Sue (my lovely co-hosts) enough for…

Last month, Sue and I sat down to discuss racism. Admittingly, it’s a subject neither of us is very familiar with but the one thing we are passionate about is educating ourselves. Learning all we can about racism, the Black Lives Matter movement, and white privilege means we can be better allies to our friends,…

Have you ever felt the need to keep up with the Jones’s, the Kardashians, or anyone else? Credit cards, home equity loans, and lines of credit have made it easy to buy all the things we want. But for many people, getting caught up in the financial nightmare of trying to have it all, comes…

If you’ve been scrolling through social media lately, it won’t come as a surprise to you that many people are having trouble sleeping. For many people, the lack of sleep may be due to the increased worry and anxiety caused by the current coronavirus situation. This global pandemic has caused stress for many of us…

Finding the motivation to exercise doesn’t come easily to me. I’d much prefer to curl up with a good book and a nice cup of tea. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help when it comes to preventing weight gain. Perimenopausal hormonal changes can suck the energy right out of you. Resulting in reaching for that afternoon chocolate…

When it comes to living your best life, does mindset matter? In today’s episode of The Taming Crazy Podcast, we’re chatting about Midlife Mindset. Midlife is generally defined as between the ages of 40 and 65 and has now become a large section of the population so if you’re in this group you’re in great…

An estimated 1.2 million Canadian children and youth are affected by mental illness yet only 20% of those children will receive treatment according to the Mental Health Commission of Canada.  These numbers should alarm us. These numbers should have us asking what can we do to ensure our children are mentally and emotionally healthy? Our children’s…

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of chatting with Kevin Olenick on his podcast Agree or Disagree We discussed mental health, anxiety, bullying, anxiety, and of course my book, Taming Crazy – Confessions and Lessons. We also discussed vulnerability. In particular, how being brave and courageous enough to be vulnerable can give you permission to release the…