Tag: Taming Crazy

Have you ever felt the need to keep up with the Jones’s, the Kardashians, or anyone else? Credit cards, home equity loans, and lines of credit have made it easy to buy all the things we want. But for many people, getting caught up in the financial nightmare of trying to have it all, comes…

If you’ve been scrolling through social media lately, it won’t come as a surprise to you that many people are having trouble sleeping. For many people, the lack of sleep may be due to the increased worry and anxiety caused by the current coronavirus situation. This global pandemic has caused stress for many of us…

In his book Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell introduced the concept that it takes approximately 10,000 hours to achieve expertise in any skill. This concept has since been disputed, but it does serve as a reminder that whatever we attempt to achieve in life, success is usually not instantaneous. It requires constant practice…

And Why It’s Never Too Late To Save Yourself! I used to believe that chronic anxiety was something I had to live with and didn’t question it. It was my affliction, something I had to endure. Anxiety had become a big part of who I was, and I hid it away as carefully as I…

There was a time, not too long ago, when hearing unpleasant news felt like being buried beneath an emotional avalanche. Watching the evening news or seeing a social media post on destruction, death, or abuse filled me with so much emotion that my body took on a heaviness I couldn’t escape. Within minutes I felt…

Don’t let it knock you out of the game. When life throws you a curve-ball (and you know it will,) it can sometimes feel like everything is caving in on you. It’s easy to let it knock you out of the game. Life’s challenges can seem insurmountable at times, and it’s easy to get lost in…

How to look at anxiety in a completely different way! When I first set out to research my own crippling anxiety, I wasn’t looking for anxiety relief. I didn’t want the latest drug, herbal tea, essential oil, aromatherapy, or the countless other suggestions I had heard about. I didn’t want to ease my anxiety symptoms…